
Contact – Live Zen Meditation-Center

Meditation Center Karilatsi

Sona became a disciple of Osho in 1975 in London where she trained in the new therapeutic techniques of that time.
She joined the Ashram in Pune, India in 1976 and lived and worked there until 1981.
She was a member of the Osho Commune in Cologne, Germany, and lived for 6 months at the Osho Commune in Oregon, USA.
Starting in 1986, she trained as a German healing practitioner and joined a Gurdjieff school.
Before meeting Osho she had studied East European History and Russian, and in 1989 she went to the Soviet Union to teach meditation and bodywork.
She lived in St. Petersburg until 1996.
After setting up and running a beautiful seminar center in the Bavarian Forest for 13 years she moved to Estonia to build a small meditation place in the south of the country.


Sona von Kaehne
Lennu Talu
63505 Karilatsi
Tel. 00372 – 5526717

How to find Lennu Talu:

The place is near the old road from Võru to Tartu. If you come from Võru, you drive through Ihamaru and then another 6,5  km until you reach a brown sign on your right side that says: Pelgupaik/Linnamägi. You turn to the left. After some  500  m you see the wooden postbox with  „Lennu Talu“ written on it. You turn to the left again and see houses behind the long field.

If you come from Tartu you take the road No. 61 to Põlva. There are several signs for Karilatsi, neglect them until you reach the signs to Kidjärve on the left and to Karilatsi to the right (busstation Koorvere)and turn right. The next turn you go left and you pass the Põlva Talurahva Museum. After some 700 m you see the sign: Pelgupaik/Linnamägi and turn right. After 500 m you turn left (postbox: Lennu Talu)

If you come from Tartu with the bus, you need to get out at „Koorvere, Vastse Kuuste“.  If you call me in advance I can pick you up with the car.  It is a 4 km walk from Peatus Koorvere to Lennu Talu.

Kuidas leida Lennu talu:

Lennu talu asub vana Tartu-Võru maantee ehk Postitee läheduses. Võru poolt tulles tuleb 800m enne Põlva Talurahvamuuseumit keerata vasakule. Õige koha näitab kätte pruun silt, millele on kirjutatud „Pelgupaik Linnamägi“. Metsa vahele keerates tuleb sõita veel umbes 500m ning seejärel pöörata jälle vasakule.

Kui teeolud on halvad, on parem tulla mööda uut Tartu-Põlva maanteed. Põlva poolt tulles tuleb pöörata pärast Ahja jõge vasakule sealt, kus pruun silt ütleb „Põlva Talurahvamuuseum.“ Seda teed tulles asub Lennu talu muuseumist 800m Võru pool.